
Female Founder Effect

Female Founder Effect

Women, people of color, and parents of all genders were more likely to work at
a startup with more women on the founding team.




Parents more likely to work for startups with more women on founding team

Respondents without children outnumber parents 2:1 in startups with male-dominated founding teams (less than 10% female founders), while nearing parity when the percentage of female founders is 25% and above. This may indicate that startups with more female founders tend to create policies and work cultures more inclusive to parents. 



Women more likely to work at startups with a higher percentage of women on founding team

Women are nearly 10x more likely than men to work for a startup with a female-dominated founding team (more than 50% female). Also, only 60% of female respondents work at a startup with fewer than 10% female founders, compared to 75% of male respondents. 



People of color of all genders were twice as likely as white respondents to work at startups with at least 50% women on the founding team

Founder POC ratio.png